"Be ablaze with enthusiasm. Let us be an alive, burning offering before the altar of God." hildegard of bingen, 12th c.
I have been commissioned to create an art quilt banner for our congregation's 125th anniversary that will be celebrated on July 22nd. I am so excited! The size will be about 30x45 inches.
These are most of the cottons that I had dyed earlier in the week, some solids (check out that grape one), some 2-color pieces, and some discharged cloth that there aren't any photos off yet. I've started to cut out 125 "flames" that will be fused on top of my batting, and the quilt will also include Luther's Seal (probably the focal point). Our church has so many beautiful wood carvings that I wanted to do some rubbings on, but most are too 3-dimensional. I'm now going to photograph some of them, and see what they look like printed out on silk organza.
The stained glass image of Christ is from the brochure that our church had put together this year. Most of the photography is by Steve Pitkin (Gee's Bend photographer) and his staff. I'm hoping to have him photograph the banner when it is completed.
I'll keep you updated on the process ~
Mmmmm, love those dyed fabrics!
I agree with Shirley, the fabric is beautiful. Congratulations on the commission.
I am really into stained glass windows and Tiffany objects recently too.
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