I offer this challenge to everyone on the "Artful Quilters Web Ring": if your studio is a bit untidy, a bit scary (Halloween is coming soon, you know), then let's scare each other with pix of our studios, bravely posting them on our blogs!!! Then after Halloween is over, we can inspire each other to clean up, organize, and maybe find some stuff that's been missing for a long time...
It's a perfect time - before the mad holiday craziness takes over, and we start making gifts for everyone. Remember, when you do start the major (or minor) overhaul, write down where you put things, so you'll be able to find them. That always happens to me if I don't keep track...I couldn't remember where I had put a beautiful piece of bronze silk/cotton that I purchased at IQF/Chicago this past spring. When I finally found it, I couldn't imagine why I had put it in that place. I made no sense to me!
How about a deadline (sort of) of November 30th?.....