This is what Henry, the male "daddy" lion looks like at the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, Wisconsin. Husband, son, and I visited him, his wife, and 5 cubs this week and it was fascinating. He graced his viewing public by sitting right behind the glass partition in the Big Cat outdoor complex, less than 6 inches away from us! It's quite powerful, and scary when Henry decides to have a staring contest with you - he also yawned a few times, so he could show off his pearly whites and tongue! Vilas, the female, was up on a rock, looking down...I wonder what she was thinking..."That Henry, what a show-off he is!" The cubs were separated from them in another area, and were fun to watch also - one had his eye on our son - must've been a female - how do I know? - let's just say that our son is at the age where he's become a "babe magnet."
We also did make it to the drive-in theater! The movie was so-so, but the memories from when I grew up going to drive-ins with my parents, and with friends in high school were coming left and right all evening. No tinny sounding speakers here! You just tuned in 93.1 on your FM radio dial (well, not a dial, but a 'seek button'). It took us awhile to find the theater because we got lost, and it was WAY out in the country - we started humming the theme song from "The Twilight Zone" and saying, "Picture this! The Birch family from Rockford, on a quest to find a drive-in theater, were never heard from again. Were they swallowed up by the big screen, or maybe they never made it to the movie.....
Fedora part of the story: There's a great resale shop on the downtown square in Madison - Ragstock - parents caved, son comes home with a Fedora - he does looks cool wearing it!!!