I have been working with fabric and paper together, much like the technique published by Beryl Taylor - Mixed Media Artist
in the first Cloth, Paper, Scissors issue.
We have done similiar techniques in workshops at Emmanuel, but always with different papers, no fabric.
What's nice about her process is that you can stitch on the fabric paper by hand or my machine. It's very strong and I'm sure it will hold up to many other mixed media embellishments.
I've taken some photos of the steps that I've done on one of the pieces, so I thought I would share them with you.
white muslin on plastic, diluted white glue brushed on fabric ~
pieces of scrapbook and printer paper pressed into wet fabric ~
another layer of glue brushed on top ~
pieces of yellow tissue paper laid down ~
another layer of glue brushed on ~
silk paint (liquid acrylics, setacolor, etc. can be used) dripped on ~
paint brushed into the glue ~
the color is further spread by dabbing into the piece with a dry cloth ~
the finished piece after drying overnight ~
Here are some other finished fabric papers...using vintage wrapping paper, text and images from an old bible book, and gold crepe paper/magazine clippings.
I'm not bored yet! Went into Dick Blick yesterday with Jason and found their collection of hand made papers. Ooh-la-la. We were both drooling, me with the papers, him with the specialty spray paint.
UPDATE on quilt giveaway: Just waiting a few more days, hoping for a few more comments and numbers. Soon everyone, soon...